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Who Should Attend

This course is suitable for non clinical staff and also for HCAs who may be required to chaperone.
Reference base - NHS Clinical Governance Support Team 2005: A Model Chaperone Framework - Guidance on the role and effective use of chaperones in Primary and Community Care.
A chaperone is an independent person, whose role is to impartially observe an examination, procedure or consultation undertaken by a Health Care Professional, and is present as a safeguard for all parties
[patients and practitioners] and is a witness to continuing consent.

Aims and Objectives/Learning Outcomes

By the end of this session Candidates will have gained the necessary knowledge and skills and having completed practical assessment and competencies at their work place – [working from their Practice Protocol] will be able to carry out their role safely and effectively.

To understand what is meant by the term
To identify when and for what a chaperone may be required
To understand who can chaperone
To understand what an intimate examination is [theory]
To understand the role and responsibilities
To understand what rights the patient has
To know how and to whom to raise concerns
Awareness of issues specific to -
Religion / Culture / Ethnicity / MH / LD / Children / Same gender/lone working.
A Chaperone Policy - what should be included.

Max Participants: 0

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