Bristol Medical Chirurgical Society
The Society which began in 1873 aims to promote the exchange of views between health professionals through education and dialogue. Members consist of doctors and dentists, GPs and Secondary Care Specialists, medical students and retired Professors. It meets on the second Wednesday of every month from October to July at Engineers House in Clifton. The evening starts with a drinks reception at 6.30pm, followed by supper at 7.15pm which costs £20 for members. The lecture programme starts at 8.15pm with a short presentation given by a medical student covering an area of research done by them, followed by a lecture. The programme for each year is chosen by the President and the theme for 2017-18 is “Plagues and Pestilences” Attendance for the lecture alone is free for members and CPD certificates are available.
Membership costs just £45 per year and details are available from the or from the Society Administrator, Sam Walker:
Please do come and join us, you will be most welcome. For more information click here
Dr Monika Blackwell
President 2017-18
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