A new statutory medical examiner system is being rolled out across England and Wales to provide independent scrutiny of deaths, and to…
News Update
GP practices across the UK have been losing ‘tens of thousands’ of pounds
GP practices across the UK have been losing ‘tens of thousands’ of pounds due to a discrepancy in data that…
Patients Recording Consultations
Introduction Using smartphones increasingly by patients, it is common that asking doctors if they can record or video consultations on…
BMA sessional GP conference 2024: diversity, opportunity, safety
One-day conference for sessional GPs is approaching at BMA House on 20 September. It is free for BMA members. Remote…
Guidance for GPs in England on getting your pension record up to date
“One of the biggest challenges that GPs in England face is out of date and inaccurate pension records, with “missing…
Response to the interim findings of the Dash review into CQC’s operational effectiveness
Message from Kate Terroni, Interim Chief Executive “We accept in full the findings and recommendations in this interim review, which identifies…
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