Is It really only the middle of the week today?

Is it really only the middle of the week today? Sometimes I feel like I’ve done a week’s work in a few days and I’m sure you know the feeling. But it helps when your work is rewarding and purposeful, as much of LMC work is.

We had a virtual LMC Committee meeting at the start of the week which was very well attended. It’s an enormous achievement to have secured 100% PCN committee representation, when there were a number of gaps in representation a year ago. We are planning to share information about all the LMC Committee and Board representatives on our website in due course, so you know who to access for queries.

I’ve been kept busy with attendance at a number of meetings discussing various interface issues such as the physical monitoring of AWP patients, the HSP pathway, and the requirements of the NHS hospital contract with regards to the interface. Everyone involved in these meetings is aware that much of the activity taking place within general practice sits outside the core contract and I am trying to convey a sense of urgency around moving away from this goodwill which is unlikely to be sustainable.

Thinking ahead of the GPC ballot which opened earlier on this week:

“Out of the fires of desperation burn hope and solidarity” Sharan Burrow

Dr Shaba Nabi
Chair Avon LMC