The Local Medical Committee is recognised by successive NHS Acts as the professional organisation representing individual GPs and GP Practices as a whole to NHS England, CCGs and Public Health. The 1999 NHS Act extended the LMC role to include representation of all GPs whatever their contractual status. This includes GP non-principals and GP registrars. The LMC represents the views of GPs to any other appropriate organisation or agency.
Anyone that works for a particular Practice will automatically become a member of the Avon LMC, if you do not have login details, please check with your Practice to find out what they are. If you are a sessional GP and require a separate membership you can join by filling in the form on this page or find out more here. By joining the Avon LMC you’ll benefit from support from us when you need it, such as HR support, access to Safe House and review of contract discrepancies.