Avon LMC’s Newsletter on 05-03-25

Welcome to our weekly newsletter, sharing the latest news and topics of interest for practices.

So much has happened in the last week, that it almost feels like a month! We spent over six hours discussing the 2025/26 contract at the last GPC England meeting and the details started trickling out early the next morning. I was asked to do an interview for BBC Radio Sounds and felt completely unprepared for it but gave it my best shot. The trickling details have now become a lion’s roar, with the profession receiving somewhat conflicting opinions about the true levels of funding uplifts (if any), and whether collective action is paused or not.

So, let me offer an LMC view…

Collective action refers to action taken together by a group of people whose goal is to enhance their condition and achieve a common objective. Why on earth would we stop doing this? All aspects of phase one action (which should be re-branded as corrective action) serve to manage practice workload and ensure individual clinician sustainability. So, we will continue reducing bureaucracy with the use of a single referral form and continue to repatriate work to other providers in order to complete their episode of care. We will also continue to practise safely so we have a manageable level of clinical contacts.

In fact, we shared our next survey with Practice Managers last week, and our ambition is for 100% practice submission. This survey will be used to prioritise areas of unfunded work, so the LMC can work collaboratively with all stakeholders to commission these pathways. Please email info@almc.co.uk if your practice has not received this. And beware! I will be knocking at your door closer to the deadline of 14th March if we have not heard back from your practice, as we are looking for 100% completion.

“For we have always understood that when times change, so must we, that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges, that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.” – Barack Obama

Shaba Nabi
Chair: Avon LMC

New contract details can be found here and here is the BMA statement about it.

These slides share some highlights within the new contract:
Please download here.

The funding uplift for the global sum comes with an important caveat: these are the BMA estimated figures for capitation, but we have not yet received confirmation of this from NHSE.

You can find the IGPM statement on the contract here.
LMC reflections on aspects of the new contract are as follows:

  • This is a short-term measure for one year before we can begin the task of negotiating a wholesale new GP contract
  • Although funding uplifts offers stability, there is uncertainty around what this means for practices at an individual level without confirmation of the capitation fee
  • The level of funding required to mitigate budget pressures will vary between practices and increase inequity between them
  • There is little benefit to increasing vaccine IoS payments if targets are currently unachievable
  • Most PCN ARRS funding has been attributed so little advantage in removal of caps
  • £20 for the A&G DES does not pay for very much and should not be used as a reason to pass unlimited pre-referral workload to general practice
  • Keeping on-line access routes open throughout core hours is likely to have unintended consequences (increased diversion to 111 and ED) and lead to patient safety issues.

You can listen to the recording of the Chair’s radio interview with BBC Radio Sounds here.

There’s lots to discuss next week so why don’t you pop in with a cuppa to ask any questions and share concerns.

It’s great to see both new and old faces so why don’t you register for this here.

As mentioned above, the LMC continues to push for funded pathways for non-commissioned work. Your practice manager should have received a survey to prioritise interface areas – the deadline for completion is 14th March.

We really wish to be close to 100% completion so please discuss this within your practice and submit the survey. If you have not received anything, please email info@almc.co.uk

Question: We have received a query from the relative of a deceased patient, requesting information about their father’s clinical care, and whether there was any delay in cancer diagnosis. What is the medico-legal position with regards to confidentiality of medical records for the deceased?

Answer: There is some helpful MDU guidance on this topic: https://www.themdu.com/guidance-and-advice/guides/disclosure-after-death
The Access to Health Records Act 1990 permits a patient’s representative to apply for a patient’s medical record if they wish to make a complaint or take legal action. However, this right of access may be limited if there is clear evidence of the deceased patient not wishing to share their medical information with the named applicant.
If there are any doubts about an individual case, we would advise you to contact your medical defence organisation.

Following on from meetings with the ICB, the LMC is pleased to share that the ICB will support income assurance for those practices where there has been significant impact on the relevant QoF indicators. The ICB will write to UHBW facing practices with further information along with a proposed period of recovery for testing.

The LMC has received a number of membership queries about potential cuts in service and staff within the Unity sexual health service. We will be discussing this with both clinicians and the local authority as the Commissioners.

11th March 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00

2nd Apr 2025: Membership Meeting, 19.00 – 21.00

6th May 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00

1st July 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00

  • 11th March 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00
  • 2nd April 2025: Membership Meeting, 19.00 – 21.00
  • 6th May 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00
  • 1st July 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00

The LMC Buying Group understand that recruitment is often an expensive and time-consuming business, so they created an eye-catching, easy to use recruitment page where any registered member can post their clinical and non-clinical vacancies at no cost. They also offer practices the opportunity to feature their vacancies with a featured package which comes at a small fee.

What they offer

As well as posting the job on their website, they also highlight any new job posting at least once across their social media platforms. This is a free service to any member practice interested in expanding their vacancy reach beyond their region.

They have also introduced a ‘Featured Job’ option for those members that want to draw more attention to their advert. The featured role will appear at the top of the Jobs page in a bright colour and be highlighted on their social media channels each week for a month. This service only costs £50+VAT.

To place an advert, visit the Jobs page and upload your vacancy using the application form template here. If you choose the Featured Advert option, they will send you an invoice once the advert has been posted online.

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge gender equality. Collectively for IWD2025 we can all Accelerate Action.

International Women’s Day (IWD) has been around for over a hundred years, as have many of the issues still impacting women’s advancement. Since 1911, IWD belongs to all who care about women’s equality. Celebrate women’s achievement. Raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to forge gender parity. All IWD activity is valid, that’s what makes IWD so inclusive.

Ramadan is the holiest month in the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide. It lasts for a period of 29 or 30 days and culminates with the first day of Eid which is likely to fall on 30 March 2025. Exact dates are subject to sightings of the moon.

Traditionally Ramadan is a time for communal prayer, spiritual reflection, meals with extended family and friends to break daily fasts, concluding with the community celebration of Eid-Ul-Fitr.  

Many NHS staff who are Muslim will participate in a daily period of fasting, starting at dawn and finishing at sunset over the month. This means abstaining from food, drink (including water) and smoking. While the fast is an important part of Ramadan, it is also a time of self-reflection, self-evaluation, increasing worship and charitable deeds. 

Not all Muslims will observe the fast in Ramadan, either out of choice or because they are religiously exempt. Fasting is both a communal and individual experience and one that many Muslim staff and communities will look forward to. 

Find out more here to support staff during Ramadan. 

Title: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges, and Critical Perspectives
Speaker: Dr Miquel Perelló Nieto
Date: 10th March, 1–2pm (register for access to the recording if unavailable)
Register: https://bristol-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/l23-h1RBRmG_-G4wUY3TcQ

AI has the potential to improve healthcare, but it also raises challenges, including bias, privacy, and accountability. This talk explains key AI concepts, such as Machine Learning and Large Language Models, to equip healthcare professionals with a critical perspective. It explores both AI’s benefits and risks, highlighting real-world examples and ethical considerations.

The ICB and Sirona Adult Learning Disability Health Service are running the next free webinar on Wednesday the 23rd April 2024 12.30 to 2pm.
Topics include GP autism assessment and post diagnostic support, hoarding, pneumococcal vaccine and an introduction to the new health passport.

To register please follow this link:

  • Personalised Care Celebration Event 2025
    6th March from 9.30-15.30
    Signup here
  • BCYP EduForum: GP Guide to Paediatric Surgery and Urology
    18th March from 13.00-13.30
    Signup here
  • Advanced Practice Event: Emersons Green
    19th March from 9.00-12.00
    Signup here
  • Blood Interpretation in Primary Care – Day 4 of 4
    20th March from 9.15-12.30
    Signup here
  • Dermoscopy Training – Part 3
    25h March from 9.00-12.30
    Signup here
  • BCYP EduForum: Milk related problems in children
    22nd April from 13.00-13.30
    Signup here

Please see here for full event details.
For further information please contact Bnssg.training.hub@nhs.net

Click here to see all the latest vacancies in the BNSSG area.

Have you got something you’d like to share? To let us know your news and add to the weekly newsletter please email