Avon LMCs Newsletter on 05-10-23
The ALMC Newsletter
Welcome to our weekly newsletter, sharing the latest news and topics of interest for practices.
Following the announcement of a 6% salary increase for salaried GPs and non-ARRS staff several months ago, the funding for this was finally announced yesterday.
The Global Sum payment per weighted patient will increase by £2.45 and will be back dated to April. A seven-month payment should be made in October 2023 (April–October inclusive).
Whilst the announcement of funding for the suggested 6% salary uplift was a modicum of welcome news, this increase will provide little support to partners who are seeing their take-home pay fall.
On Tuesday, the LMC met with the Review Body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration who are exploring factors regarding doctors’ pay for their recommendations for 24/25.
The LMC spared no blushes in describing the significant increase in expenditure facing practices. This coupled with the falling number of FTE GPs and increasing intensity of workload means that partner income is taking a hammering and is affecting recruitment and retention.
Whilst the LMC were speaking on behalf of all GPs across BNSSG, we explained that the picture is very varied and nuanced and that the practices who often suffer the most financially are often in areas of deprivation with high needs and are facing sustainability challenges.
Thanks to all those who contacted the LMC with factors that the DDRB needed to be made aware of and providing specific financial examples.
Last week, the ICB issued National Contract Variations to all practices. Several practices have contacted the LMC to ask if it is ok to sign these contracts. These contract variations reflect the imposed contract that we are already working under and therefore you can sign and return the documents to bnssg.pc.contracts@nhs.net
On Monday evening the LMC held its AGM. Importantly, the new Constitution was ratified and now becomes the governance document for the LMC. This will allow us to move towards elections for the role of Chair and representation from Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire by the end of this year.
We would like to welcome Rebecca Kemp to the LMC as our new manager. Rebecca joined the organisation on Monday and is spending the first 2 weeks orientating herself within the LMC and the BNSSG general practice system.
Dear Primary Care colleague,
A recent BNSSG staff survey of 515 Primary Care staff, indicated that 30% experienced musculoskeletal issues, with this rate jumping above the national average to 37% for those working in administrative roles. Qualitative comments suggest that this is in part due to the sedentary nature of working in Primary Care and the lack of taking sufficient breaks to move away from desks.
As a result of these findings, we have developed a Musculoskeletal Health Toolkit for Primary Care and are now offering the following webinars where senior physiotherapist Alice Clevely will share this toolkit with you and answer any questions.
Dates and times available:
- 23rd November 12:30-13:30
- 4th December 12:30-13:30
- 18th January 12:30-13:30
- 8th February 12:30-13:30
Book your webinar here
If you have any questions, please contact: healthiertogethersupportnetwork@uhbw.nhs.uk
Dear colleague,
The Bristol Children’s emergency department (CED) has recently transitioned to electronic referrals from the community. This is allowing us review the current referrals system for the first time.
We are aiming to understand how these referrals are currently being used. We would like to gather some feedback on the patient journey based on a selection of anonymised example referrals to the Childrens ED. This will help us identify ways in which care for acutely unwell children can be improved and help our understanding of the expectations from colleagues in the community.
Reviewing each referral should take less than five minutes and involves a review of the referral alongside the opportunity for written feedback.
In addition to this we will be holding some online focus groups to further explore some of the challenges both parts of the patient journey currently face.
If you would be happy for the team to get in touch then please reply to this email or follow the link below and provide your contact details.
If you have any questions then please contact either Elizabeth.ledger@uhbw.nhs.uk or Michael.connelly@uhbw.nhs.uk
Thank you very much for your help trying to improve our communication with general practice community, and the patients journey to us.
Bristol Children’s Emergency Department Referrals Team
You are invited to attend the following Primary Care programme.
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued along with a Personal Development Plan summary form, which will be supplied for your portfolio. Any lecture notes provided by the speakers will be available to download.
“Interactive Learning” with presentations giving ample time for face to face questions and discussion with speakers.

Click here to see all the latest vacancies in the BNSSG area.
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Have you got something you’d like to share? To let us know your news and add to the weekly newsletter please email
mandy@almc.co.uk or michaela@almc.co.uk