Avon LMCs Newsletter on 14-08-24
The ALMC Newsletter
Welcome to our weekly newsletter, sharing the latest news and topics of interest for practices.
Chair’s Blog
Wow -there has been a whirlwind of GP activity since I’ve been on a two-week break in the USA. But it was so refreshing to have a total work detox – no emails, all WhatsApp groups archived, and watching the Olympics rather than the news on TV. I also got to explore the island of Nantucket on my own, which has been a lifelong dream! I would highly recommend taking a proper break from work when you are on leave because the importance of recharging and reinvigorating cannot be overstated.
I faced my return to a very grim England; not in climate terms, but in political terms, with extreme right winged groups coordinating marches across the UK. I was heartened to see the thousands of anti-racist protesters show up in the Bristol area and it reinforced why BNSSG is such a great area to live in. As always, GP practices showed remarkable teamwork and resilience, and I would like to extend my thanks to the ICB for allowing early closures, and the out of hours GP service for managing the additional workload.
But let’s get back to the hot topics for GP practices in the current climate. As you have no doubt seen in the media, GP partners in England voted overwhelmingly in favour of collective action, with 98.3% voting “yes.” This action can be started from 1st August so you may be wondering what’s happening in the BNSSG area.
Rest assured – the LMC is on it! We are waiting for the last few practices to submit their collective action survey as we wish to achieve a mandate of nearing 90%, if possible. Don’t worry – I won’t name and shame you, but I have emailed you all individually! Once we have reached the desired mandate, we will share the headlines in advance of our LMC Members’ event on the evening of 10th September, where the preferred actions can be discussed in more detail.
There may be some of you wondering why we need to take collective action when we have a new government who is, so far, making all the right noises. There are a few reasons for this as follows:
- Collective action is about protecting patients and protecting our practice – none of the actions are in breach of contract and we could be doing this individually, instead of collectively
- The global sum has not kept pace with expenses inflation, wage inflation, or the complexity of GP contacts
- The aggregated uplift of 7.4% of the global sum to finance the 6% DDRB recommendation doesn’t remotely restore the real-terms GP contract income to 2018/19 levels, which would require a 10.7% uplift. In addition, the global sum may only represent 50-75% of practice income, so a 6% staff pay rise would require a much higher uplift.
As usual, NHS England appears to be pitching GP contractors against practice staff, especially salaried GPs, so we must stand together and take action collectively.
“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean” – Ryunosuke Satoro
Dr Shaba Nabi
Chair Avon LMC
As mentioned, this important event is to discuss the preferred options for GP collective action so we can reach a consensus within the BNSSG area. All BNSSG practices working in solidarity is likely to have a far greater impact than each practice working individually.
We are planning to share a registration form for each practice this week and you will be permitted two representatives per practice. In addition to the practice representatives, we will be inviting all LMC Committee members and representation from One Care and Brisdoc.
Please help us help you by signing up for this event without delay so we have can plan accordingly. Thank you.
Following the success of our last LMC virtual drop-in, and engagement options shared within our recent membership survey, we are pleased to announce that Avon LMC will be hosting 2-monthly virtual drop-ins for anyone practice member who would like to discuss the hot topics in general practice.
Our first one is scheduled for 24th September, soon after the membership event on collective action, to allow consolidation of the information shared. All dates have been shared in the “Dates for your Diary” section.
The deadline for motion submission is 11th September so if you have any topics you would like debated by your LMC representatives, either write a suitable motion or ask one of your LMC representatives to do this on your behalf. But remember, there is little point in reiterating a motion which is existing policy and the motion database can be found here.
Question: We are keen to move towards safer working in general practice, but we are concerned about the patient safety impact of capping our workload. Do you have any advice?
Answer: This is a complex area to navigate as each practice will have a different access model unique to them. The BMA has produced guidance on safe working in general practice which highlights the following:
- Diverting patients to:
- Extended access appointments
- Walk-in clinic services
- Clinical Pharmacy consultation services
- ARRS staff
- Clinical triage and creation of waiting lists for non-urgent problems
- Emergencies to be directed to 111 or emergency departments
This will be discussed further at the LMC Members’ event on 10th September, specifically to discuss the risks and benefits to both GPs and patients.
Question: We were recently asked to verify an expected death in a patient who was being managed by the community nurse team. As our duty GP was busy that day, this resulted in delays for the family. Are GPs obliged to verify all deaths?
Answer: The law states that you do not need to be medically qualified to verify a death and this can be carried out by any competent adult. The BMA and the RCN have produced guidance on this. Verification of death is different to certification of death, which requires a medical professional, and now needs to go through the Medical Examiner system process.
Read the latest GPC England bulletin here
The BMA has updated their guidance on Physician Associates in General Practice.
- 10th September 2024: Members event for Collective Action – BAWA, 19.00 – 21.00
- 11th September 2024: Motion deadline for England LMC Conference
- 16th September 2024: Virtual Annual General Meeting Avon LMC, 18.30 – 19.30
- 24th September 2024: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00
- 12th November 2024: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00
- 22nd November 2024: England LMC Conference – London, all day
- 14th January 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00
- 11th March 2025: Virtual LMC drop in, 13.00 – 14.00
- Thursday 13 August General practice bulletin – update (mailchi.mp)
- Thursday 8 August General practice bulletin – update (mailchi.mp)
Join us for a free, engaging and informative day with opportunity to learn, ask questions and network with a wide range of respiratory interested healthcare professionals across BNSSG.
8th October 2024
BAWA centre, Southmead road, Bristol, BS34 7RG
Suitable for all respiratory interested community clinicians across BNSSG(Including specialist Nurses, ACPs, Physios, Paramedics, GPs and GP trainees)
Lunch and refreshments included
Please find the rundown of program here
Sign up here:
The program and venue have been organised by local NHS providers and the BNSSG respiratory interest Group (BRIG). The venue hire has been paid for by commercial partners but the content is provided independently of any external party but we ask that you visit the sponsors stands during breaks in the program.
Training Hub September Events
- 20 August / BCYP EduForum: Paediatric Allergy
Sign Up Form - 2 September / Project Management for Clinicians
Sign Up Form - 4 September / Introduction to Supervision of Advanced Practitioners
Sign Up Form - 12 September / BNSSG Cancer Lead Forum
Sign Up Form - 17 September / BCYP EduForum: Antibiotic Stewardship in Paediatrics
Sign Up Form - 18 September / Safeguarding Level 3
Sign Up Form - 18 September / Pelvic and Spinal Masqueraders
Sign Up Form - 19 September / Dermoscopy Training – Part 1
Sign Up Form - 25 September / End of Life Teaching Day with Weston Hospice
Sign Up Form - 26 September / Introduction to Personalised Care AARS Role and Health Coaching
Sign Up Form
Please see here for full event details.
For further information please contact Bnssg.training.hub@nhs.net

Click here to see all the latest vacancies in the BNSSG area.
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