Avon LMCs Newsletter on 25-10-23
The ALMC Newsletter
Welcome to our weekly newsletter, sharing the latest news and topics of interest for practices.
As mentioned in the OneCare bulletin from last Tuesday, the national PR campaign to promote MDT working has now launched.
Please see attached a letter from NHS England South West Regional Medical Director Dr Kheelna Bavalia, introducing the campaign and seeking practices’ support with promotion.
Also attached is a toolkit for the campaign.
Letter from NHS England South West Regional Medical Director, Dr. Kheelna Bavalia
The BNSSG Training Hub (TH) is pleased to offer the vacancy of: Near-peer International Medical Graduate (IMG) Support Fellow.
Please find attached details of an exciting opportunity for newly qualified GPs in the BNSSG area.
This Fellowship vacancy follows on from initial work carried out in 2022/23 and is for one session per week for 12 months.
The South West Training Hubs (THs), working jointly with the Schools of Primary Care, are employing ten educator fellowships across the South West.
These roles work with their local GP vocational training scheme to offer near-peer support for doctors in training, with a focus on supporting international medical graduates (IMGs) and the ED&I agenda.
This vacancy is for BNSSG area and represents an opportunity for newly qualified GPs (ie UK GP training completed within the last two years) with an interest in education to further develop their skills and remit.
Lived experience or understanding of being an international medical graduate would be desirable.
To apply please provide an up-to-date copy of your CV along with a covering letter detailing your suitability for the role and email to:
Roger Harrison (BNSSG TH Business Manager): roger.harrison@nhs.net
The closing date for applications is 29 October 2023.
If you have any queries regarding the role please contact: Dr Holly Hardy: holly.hardy6@nhs.net

Click here to see all the latest vacancies in the BNSSG area.
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Have you got something you’d like to share? To let us know your news and add to the weekly newsletter please email
mandy@almc.co.uk or michaela@almc.co.uk