Avon LMCs Newsletter on 29-05-24
The ALMC Newsletter
Welcome to our weekly newsletter, sharing the latest news and topics of interest for practices.
There were lots of topical issues debated at last week’s UK LMC conference.
Of particular note, there were interesting and passionate debates around workload, transfer of work between secondary and primary care, ambulance waiting times and interactions with primary, and also around physician associates. We know that these are important topics for our members so it is good that these, and many more topics, were represented during the conference.
Avon LMC was well represented with Directors Shaba, Nafeesa and myself attending and speaking to either motions or in wider debates. It was also great to have Chris Palmer and Tanya Beer representing our members. Tanya was also working hard on the agenda committee.
The outcomes at some high, headline, level have been published in Pulse and GPonline, with a more comprehensive report of the discussions and votes to be published later. It is always a very interesting experience and we would encourage members to consider putting themselves forward for attendance.
Dr Mike Jenkins, Avon LMC Board Director and GP at Mendip Vale Medical Practice
Hi all! UK LMC Conference this year saw some interesting debates. Avon LMC contributed to this motion and were in the bracket for this motion.I spoke to this motion calling for increase in estates funding, given the numerous roles within General Practice. Also bringing to the attention the Premises Direction, which needs monies alongside it. We like many LMCs called for an increase transparency in section 106 monies, as well as more say on its spend. My speech also mentioned the increasing need for more services in General Practice including services from secondary care, to allow for more accessible healthcare and to help close the health inequalities gap. Again all of this requiring funding into estates and its improvements.
This motion passed in all its parts by over 300 GPs in the room, from across all four nations. A great response.
MOTION: That conference believes that GP premises are in dire need of upgrade and current underfunding is short sighted. We call for the GPCs to lobby governments to:
- invest in general practice estate infrastructure to ensure they are fit for purpose in the 21st century
- negotiate grants to enable improvements in premises for the use of teaching and training
- request analysis of areas in the UK where GP recruitment is most difficult and prioritise these areas for financial help with premises
- mandate the transparency of section 106 money (or national equivalent) for healthcare, allowing GP practices and LMCs to influence this spend
- allow accessible healthcare by funding estates in primary care, enabling services from secondary care to take place in primary care.
Dr Nafeesa Arshad Avon LMC Board Director and GP Partner Concord Medical Centre
I chose to speak against part of a motion relating to the effect of ambulance waiting times on risk judgements when deciding how to convey patients to hospital, whether by ambulance or their own transport. I spoke for the majority of the motion and its sentiment, expressing solidarity with the ambulance service for their plight in terms of the effects of funding decisions on their ability to deliver a timely service, and the moral injury paramedics face when unable to respond in a timely way due to service pressures.
I also acknowledged the impact of wait times on our decisions, as GPs, in terms of how best to convert patients to hospital, and that our decision making in this regard would benefit from more real-time information in terms of ambulance waits. However, the motion called for the handing of clinical and legal responsibility for this decision making to the ambulance service. This struck me as both unfair and unsafe, in asking the ambulance service to make such a decision based on second hand information, and undermining of our role as GPs as expert judges of clinical risk.
In a time when the media is so focussed on undermining GPs, for political gain in my view, it is important we do not under sell our attributes. And I strongly feel our ability to rapidly assimilate clinical information and come to judgements about risk that take into account our first hand knowledge of our patients, and their wishes, is one of our fortes as GPs.
Dr Christopher Palmer , Hanham Health
I had the great pleasure of working on the Agenda Committee for the UK LMC Conference 2024. This involved working over many months to draw together all the motions submitted by grassroots GPs from across the 4 UK nations to form an agenda which would trigger exciting debates by the 300+ GPs attending conference. Motions which are passed give our BMA/GPC representatives the mandate to negotiate our contracts with government and will hopefully future-proof general practice. Our agenda is only as good as the motions submitted by GPs from across the country so if you have any great ideas or something you feel you need to get off your chest and be debated on a national scale then please let your LMC representative know ready for our next conference.
Tanya Beer, GP at Tyntesfield Medical Group.
Question: Practices are concerned about the lack of attention given to static funding for public health services commissioned by local authority (LA). Is this an area which could be addressed by the LMC?
Answer: The LMC Currently attends the Primary Care Interface meeting which has representatives from all three local authorities. The plan is to merge this meeting with existing local enhanced services meeting so that issues of funding and commissioning can be discussed in the appropriate place. The lack of uplift for sexual health services is also being discussed at a national level.
As always, the LMC’s position is to advise each practice to determine profitability for non-core activities and serve notice if it is no longer financially viable.
Avon LMC were made aware by practices of the short deadline to complete the LES EOI. We contacted the ICB in relation to the EOI deadline of 31st May 2024 and challenged the short time frame during school holidays. We have had confirmation from an ICB representative that they have agreed to extend this deadline allowing Practices time to complete their forms, should they wish.
Should you have any concerns or questions regarding the LES 2024-26 please email info@almc.co.uk and the team will look into them for you.
One Care have provided a LES calculator to help practices calculate elements of the LES based on the practice’s skill mix. This calculator will be sent to Practices and will be available on TeamNet.
Avon LMC will be hosting a webinar on Tuesday 25th June 1pm – 2pm when we will be joined by national primary care representatives of the CQC team, to help practices prepare for CQC inspections.
Please see below a link for a survey to assess learning needs, as well as to consolidate your burning questions for a Q&A session.
We are hoping this is the first of a series of LMC lunch and learn sessions when we will host educational content crucial for your everyday practice.
If you have any ideas for what you would like to see in this space, please contact us on info@almc.co.uk.
- Thursday 23 May General practice bulletin (mailchi.mp)
- Tuesday 28 May General practice bulletin (mailchi.mp)
What is this, and who is it for?
Are you currently on a period of leave from working as a GP ? Coming to the end of your parental leave? Sabbatical finishing soon? Ready to come back after a stretch of sick leave? If so – are you feeling a little daunted at the prospect? You ’re not alone… but we are here to help!
This whole day, in person, free to attend event from the BNSSG Training Hub GP Retention Team will help improve your confidence and have you ready to get back to work and hit the ground running. With a mix of larger group teaching sessions and smaller interactive workshops all designed to improve your confidence and knowledge around the return to work process and beyond, we hope that you will be raring to return by the end of the day. The event is aimed at those currently on a period of leave or who have returned to clinical work in the last few months .
Date: 10th July 2024
Time: 9:00am – 17:00pm
Where: BAWA, 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol BS34 7RG
To register please click on the flyer here.
We are excited to announce an extension to the CYP education role and an opportunity for you to have your say in what Child and Young Person education you would like to see over the coming months.
Please spare a couple of minutes to help shapelocal Paediatric educational opportunities by completing our survey here: Complete the survey

Click here to see all the latest vacancies in the BNSSG area.
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