Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care workshop promotion

Arthritis Research UK are building a coherent and integrated programme of activity that drives improvement in the delivery of care, by investing in the development and spread of new training and education resources for healthcare professionals.  

 Core Skills in Musculoskeletal care is an education package which compromises of a CPD e-learning course developed by Arthritis Research UK in partnership with RCGP. We have identified a need for face-to-face learning to focus on the practical skills required to ‘get the basics right’. 

The day long workshops are small with 12-15 delegates per trainer in a supportive environment for GPS to learn and practice the skills required to manage and support people with musculoskeletal conditions.  

The workshop is structured to focus on three core areas: spine, lower limb and upper limb. In each of these sessions small groups of participants are taken through hints and tips on history taking and given a demonstration of key examination skills, as well as provided with the opportunity to practice these. Groups then discuss suitable treatment and management plans for case studies and are able to share experiences from practice. There is also a bitesize session for evidence updates and ideas for audit which is driven by delegates learning needs.  

The national workshop model is launching in 2018 and we plan to deliver 6 workshops, London (x2), Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester and Glasgow. 

You can register here:

To view the agenda click here





By: | 13th June 2018 | Newsletter attachment