Extraordinary LMC Newsletter regarding GP Collective Action: 06/01/2025
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Avon LMC would like to update you on the progress made regarding Phase 2 of GP Collective Action, which goes live today. As of 6th January 2025, the LMC served notice on the following non-commissioned interface areas:
Physical monitoring for AWP and CAMHS including for eating disorders
Shared Care Prescribing
We are pleased to inform you that specialist medicines monitoring LES has been updated to include three additional medications:
- ADHD medications: Shared Care Protocol being signed off by AWP
- Lithium: Shared Care Protocol in place
- Mesalazine: Prescribing Monitoring Guide being signed off. Further work includes:
- agreement for its traffic light status
- agree funding arrangements for monitoring after a year of treatment, when requirement is reduced to just annual monitoring
Details for coding this activity are being finalised but these will be applied retrospectively.
Avon LMC recommends you continue sharing care for the above medications (and accept new patients) if you wish to participate in the specialist medicines monitoring LES.
Bariatric Surgery Monitoring
A commissioned pathway for monitoring has not yet been agreed within the system.
Avon LMC recommends you decline any new requests for Bariatric Surgery monitoring and refer the patient back to specialist care.
Physical Monitoring for AWP/CAMHS
As per the extraordinary newsletter dated 23/12/24, both child and adult eating disorders pathways require an additional few weeks until completion.
Avon LMC has agreed to extend the notice period for this activity from 6th January to 27th January.

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