Workload Transfer 
LMC Guidance 
DHI requesting bloods prior to acamprosate Substance misuse services commissioned via local authority and not part of core GP contract, therefore no contractual obligation to provide a phlebotomy service

Blood test requests from private providers There is no contractual obligation to provide blood test monitoring for private providers who cannot delegate bloods on ICE. It is an individual practice decision if you choose to do this on a case by case basis for an out of area NHS patient. 

Private weight loss clinic requesting validation of inclusion/exclusion criteria The best strategy is to ask the patient to download the NHS app to gain access to their on-line medical records, which can be shared with any provider.  

In-health colonoscopy requesting GP to refer to IBD clinic As they are working to standard NHS contract, they should be doing onward referrals for same condition 

DHI requesting GP to check bloods prior to initiating acamprosate Drugs and alcohol detox is commissioned via the local authority and is not part of the core GP contract. As such, there is no contractual obligation to provide a phlebotomy service for this 

We have a patient who had surgery performed privately. The consultant did an initial sick note, but the patient would like an extension. Whose responsibility is this?It depends on whether the initial sick note was for a reasonable time period for that condition. For example, if someone has a hysterectomy and is signed off for only a week, this is unreasonable and should be pushed back. However, if they have been signed off for 4-6 weeks (standard time) but require more time off work, then this is the responsibility of the GP
We have been asked by oncology to refer a couple for fertility treatment a year after chemotherapy completion. Whose responsibility is this?This is a tricky area as fertility referrals are attached to a commissioning policy, with certain criteria needing to be met. They also require investigations for both partners, when only one partner is the hospital’s patient. Owing to these complexities, the LMC would advise a practice to complete the fertility referral.
Is it the GP’s responsibility to refer housebound patients to the Sirona community nurse team for secondary care delegated phlebotomy?This is an area the LMC is discussing with the ICB. The current community phlebotomy LES states that GPs need to make the community nurse team referral for housebound patients requiring delegated bloods. The LMC feels this is unnecessary workload transfer and we are collaborating to find solutions for this.

Below is some advice specifically related to examples from Emergency Department.

Role of Emergency Department 
Role of General Practice 
Follow-up of results requested by ED
eg: MSU/bloods
Repeat investigations
eg: CXR in 6 weeks, U+Es in 2 weeks, BP

Fit note for expected duration of illness

Extension of fit note for longer recovery periods
Urgent referrals
eg: RACP clinic, two-week rule referrals
(NB: exception may be straight to test referrals on ICE which need to be done by GP)
Non-urgent referrals
(NB: system is working up pathway for Eye Hospital presentations to be booked directly into clinic appointment) 

Acute medications

Repeat medications 

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