GP Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS)
The updated PCN DES bringing in the GP ARRS was released last week. GPs employed via the Scheme must be within 2 years of their CCT on 1/10/24 and PCNs will be required to provide terms no less favourable than the BMA salaried GP model contract, in line with the GMS/PMS contract.
GPC England and the Sessional GPs Committee have released guidance for PCNs, and individuals employed under this scheme. It can be found here.
Whilst there is progress in acknowledging the difficulties currently faced by many GPs struggling to find jobs, we continue to stress to NHSE and the Department of Health the underlying issue of GP unemployment and how this needs to be better addressed through additional support and funding at a practice level, reinforcing the need for a new GP contract to support this.
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