GPC England has negotiated minimal updates to the GP contract 2021/22 to give practice support and stability through the pandemic period.
Top-line changes
- Minimal changes from 1 April 2021, including delays to previously agreed elements. Where they relate to the GMS and PMS contracts, the changes will come into effect upon amendment of the contract regulations.
- Funding commitments already made will be honoured (GP contract uplifts, IIF and ARRS uplifts etc).
- Changes are to assist with the pandemic and its impact.
- Arrangements will remain under review, depending on the progression of the pandemic and the progress of the Covid vaccination programme, and further changes will be agreed between NHS England and GPC England in year (with reasonable notice provided to practices).
- QOF will be based on the indicator set from 20/21, with limited changes.
- Global sum will increase by £3.32 (3.5%) to £96.78
- QOF point value will increase by £6.33 (3.3%) to £201.16
- Out of hours adjustment will increase by £0.14 (3.0%) to £4.59
Full details on all of the aspects of the deal are included in this letter to the profession, produced jointly between GPC England and NHS England. Further guidance will be published in due course.
Full details can be found on the BMA website Here: GP contract agreement England 2021/2022