Nursing Associate – A new support role for nursing

The NMC agreed to regulate the nursing associate role at a council meeting in late January. The first cohort of trainee nursing associates started last month on their 2 year course, which sees them rotating on placements in primary and second care. In this area the theory side of their training is provided by UWE.

The statement from Jackie Smith chief exec of the NMC is as follows

“After a thoughtful and thorough discussion, the NMC’s Council has agreed to a request from the Department of Health to be the regulator for the new nursing associate role.

“The Council recognised that there is strong support for the regulation of nursing associates and I have always maintained that the public would expect any role with nursing in the title to be regulated.

“As an organisation we are well-equipped to regulate nursing associates and this is a positive endorsement of our progress. We will continue to work closely with stakeholders including the Department of Health and Health Education England to ensure the successful development and implementation of this new role.”

This is the link with more details about the new role.