Pastoral Support

As a member of Avon LMC, you will have access to a wide range of services and dedicated support from our team whenever you need it. Our commitment is to assist you in any way we can. Even if you’re not sure if it’s something we can help with, feel free to contact us on, and we’ll do our best to assist you.

If you are not currently a member but work in the area and are interested in accessing our services, please contact us on or fill out a form on our membership page to learn more about joining our community.

Safe House

Looking for professional support? Avon LMC provides a virtual Safe House, access to therapists, and coaches for Principal, Salaried, Sessional, and Locum GPs who are members of Avon LMC.


As a Sessional GP, you witness first-hand the strain that General Practice faces due to increasing demands. At Avon LMC, we offer comprehensive support to both General Practice organisations and individual practitioners.

Whether you are currently with a Practice or not, we are here to provide these essential services whenever you require them.

External Support Services

BMA – Wellbeing support services directory

UK directory of support services is specifically for doctors and medical students. Find a service local to you.

GP Health Service

A free and confidential service for GPs and GP trainees in England that is able to provide comprehensive assessments and treatment of a wide range of mental health and addiction issues.

Accessing Financial Help

Their simple questionnaire will shortlist the right charity (or charities) for you and let you access the help you need. Each fund has its own eligibility criteria and all offer varied types of financial assistance.

Royal Medical Benevolent Fund

The RMBF helps doctors, medical students and their family members who are in serious hardship due to age, illness, injury or bereavement.

The Society for Assistance of Medical Families

SAMF is a growing and active mutual membership of doctors. With as many doctors joining to help their colleagues as join to receive support themselves.

The Cameron Fund

It is the only medical benevolent fund that solely supports general practitioners and their dependants. We provide support to GPs and their families in times of financial need, whether through ill-health, disability, bereavement, relationship breakdown or loss of employment.

National Association of Salaried GPs

An award-winning booking platform connecting GP Locums and Practice Managers. In 2021, they expanded to open the system to nurses, nursing associates and healthcare assistants as well as GP locums.

Business Services Authority – Pension

On behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), the administration of the Scheme includes the calculation of benefits, collection of contributions from employers, maintenance of member records, and payment of benefits


Providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. Besides, Training and Engagement Programmes can bring this expertise to provide training for your people and teams .