Avon LMCs Newsletter on 28-02-24
The ALMC Newsletter
Welcome to our weekly newsletter, sharing the latest news and topics of interest for practices.
It’s been an eventful week, and this newsletter has been intentionally delayed to update you about this.
Hot off the press is the GP Contract for 2024/25 published by NHS England yesterday afternoon. This is the 3rd contract imposition in a row, and the change from 1.9% to a 2% uplift is nothing less than insulting to dedicated GPs up and down the country. What action GPs take in response to this contract is likely to determine the future of general practice, especially the independent contractor model. There could never be a better time to join the BMA as this is the only organisation that can organise coordinated action.
This news comes shortly after practices received their financial impact statements this week following the supplementary basket review. Although some practices will see an uplift to this funding, it will no doubt destabilise those practices who are seeing their funding cut. The LMC has always argued for “levelling up” of funding so that no practice loses out, but this has not happened, in spite of rising expenses and a national contract which is unfit for purpose.
We are keen to offer support to any practices facing financial challenges and we will be launching an anonymous survey on practice resilience to assess the impact of this review on the sustainability of your practice. It would be great to have full engagement with this piece of work.
Dr Shaba Nabi
Chair ALMC
Please see link for Responding to the new GP contract for 2024/25 – BMA media centre – BMA
Please see link for NHS England » Arrangements for the GP contract in 2024/25
Twitter response to imposed GP contract from Chair of GPC England, Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer: https://twitter.com/doctor_katie/status/1762907330826342622
I’ve just seen my practice financial impact statement for the supplementary services review and my practice will lose a significant sum of money. Can the LMC pushback on this decision to reduce funding, when it costs a lot more for these services to be provided in secondary care?
The funding for the supplementary basket is complex. It originates from the PMS review process in 2015 and the intention was to distribute this funding in a more equitable manner. However, instead of a direct re-distribution, it was badged with the provision of a basket of non-core services, known as the supplementary basket. As this was prior to the merger of three CCGs, the funding for each area varied, with Bristol and South Gloucestershire receiving more than double the funding of North Somerset practices. The aim of the review process was to distribute this funding in a more equitable way, and the proposed approach is the use of the Cambridge Multi-Morbidity Score (CMS), rather than the Car- Hill formula, to reflect patient morbidity and mortality.
From an LMC perspective, we have argued for a “levelling up” approach rather than a re-distribution, and we have stressed the need for equality impact assessments and transitionary “soft landings” for individual practices. Ultimately, each practice will need to review the cost of delivering the supplementary basket of activities, against the new funding allocated, and determine if this is a viable business activity.
In response to the requirement for practices to establish a robust Freedom to Speak Up structure in place, Avon LMC has been working with system partners to establish the best support for General Practice. We would encourage practices/PCNs to consider appointing their own Freedom To Speak Up Guardian, but Avon LMC can offer independent advice should that be required.
The proposed Freedom To Speak Up Guardian structure includes the ICB and Avon LMC, serving as crucial points of contact for practices and PCNs. The Oversight Executive, ensuring Freedom to Speak Up efficacy is The National Guardian’s Office, with Avon LMC as the Champion.
Useful Resources:
GP mythbusters 87: Freedom to Speak Up – CQC
NHS England Freedom to Speak Up
How to Speak Up: National Guardian’s Office
Training is available on e-learning for healthcare and The National Guardian’s Office should Practice or PCN staff wish to support Freedom to Speak Up or become a Guardian.
Please find attached the latest update from GPC England to LMCs.
– If you are an Healthcare assistant who is interested in becoming a nurse ASSOCIATE, we are currently interviewing for the May 2024 cohort at UWE. – If you have a nurse that is new to general PRACTICE, please get in touch for a place on the New to Practice Programme (the CPD funding for this will not be available from April). PLEASE EMAIL FOR MORE INFORMATION: JENNY BOWEN AND HELEN RUSSELL (LEGACY NURSES) LEGACY.NURSES@ALMC.CO.UK? |
Please see the latest edition of the OneCare newsletter below:
- Tuesday 20 February: General practice bulletin (mailchi.mp)
- Thursday 22 February: General practice bulletin (mailchi.mp)

Click here to see all the latest vacancies in the BNSSG area.
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