
Introducing the GP Hub

Introducing the GP Hub

Avon LMC, One Care and the Training Hub exist to support general practice in BNSSG. These organisations have set up…

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Repeat Prescribing Toolkit

Repeat Prescribing Toolkit

This resource was commissioned by NHS England to address recommendation 7 of the National Overprescribing Review, which tasked the Royal Pharmaceutical…

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The Medical Examiner

The Medical Examiner

A new statutory medical examiner system is being rolled out across England and Wales to provide independent scrutiny of deaths, and to…

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CQC Seminar

CQC Seminar

Thank you to everyone who attended our CQC Seminar on Wednesday, we hope you found it useful. Thank you to…

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Cyber Crime

Dear Colleagues I would like to make you aware about an increase in the number of fraudulent or ‘phishing’ emails…

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