Collective Action
Protect your patients, protect your GP practice
Avon LMC has put together a suite of Frequently Asked Questions and other resources to support our members during collective action.
GP Collective Action Resources
Patient Communications
We have developed a patient communication letter for you to explain Collective Action.
Here is a poster for Practices to tell patients “What to Expect from your Hospital Appointment”
Bariatric Surgery Monitoring
We have developed a template letter to be used for Bariatric Surgery Monitoring.
Here is an example text message to explain you are declining Bariatric Surgery Monitoring.
Prescribing Workload Transfer
Here is a template letter to be used specifically for inappropriate prescribing requests to general practice.
Here is an example text message to explain that you are declining a prescribing request.
We have also produced some LMC guidance on the principles for Shared Care Prescribing.
All other Workload Transfer
Here is a template letter to decline other types of workload transfer, such as fit notes and chasing secondary care investigations.
Here is an example text template to explain you are declining workload transfer.
Here is a patient example template for workload transfer (Hospital fit note requests).
Data Sharing Guidance
The LMC and One Care have collaborated to produce the following guidance for practices.
Single Generic Referral Form
The LMC has developed a RAG rating for all referrals which lists all the referral forms in use within BNSSG. This document outlines specific criteria which may be required for referral and offers an LMC steer on when to use a specific referral form, according to the risks of the required criteria being omitted. This list may change over time following feedback from practices and providers, so it is important to reference the updated document hosted on the website.
The current RAG rating document can be found here.
We are also sharing the following letter with all providers.
ICB BNSSG Standard referral form template can be found here: (Note: Search for “standard” in EMIS to find it!)
Here is Avon LMC Template letter for referral rejection.
Avon LMC Media Statement about GP Collective Action
The LMC has produce a Media Statement about GP Collective Action and it can be found here.